Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Kidney Diseases

Common Diseases of the Kidney

Diabetes, lupus, hypertension, liver disease, brights disease, glomerulonephritis

Nutrients for Kidney Disease

Calcium – helps body use all minerals in synergy
Magnesium – see calcium
L – Arginine – aids kidneys
L-Methionine – helps circulation within kidneys
Multi-enzyme complex – aids digestion
Potassium – stimulates kidney function

Vitamins for Kidney Disease

Vitamin A – helps healing process of urinary tract lining
Vitamin B complex – helps fluid metabolism
Vitamin C – boosts immunity and elevates urine acidity
Vitamin E – elevates immune system
Zinc – immunostimulant

Herbs for Kidney Disease

Buchu Tea
Dandelion Root (pu gong ying) – aids kidney excretion function of waste
Cranberry – acidifies urine and kills bacteria
Celery and Parsley – diuretic (decreases uric acid)
Hydrangea – natural diuretic – cleanses urinary tract
Uva Ursi – natural diuretic – cleanses urinary tract – germicidal
Marshmallow Tea – cleanses kidneys

Goldenrod tea, juniper berries, stinging nettle, parsley, red clover, watermelon seed tea are all good for kidney disease.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

New Treatments for Acute Leukemia

Acute lukemia is a hematopoietic progenitor cell malignancy. These cells proliferate in an uncontrolled fashion and ultimately replace normal bone marrow elements. Most cases arise with no clear cause. However, radiation and some toxins (benzene) are clearly leukemogenic. In addition, a number of chemotherapeutic agents (especially procarbazine, melphalan, other alkylating agents, and etoposide).

Most of the clinical findings in acute lukemia are due to bone marrow failure, which results from replacement of normal bone marrow elements by the malignant cell. Less common manifestations include direct organ infiltration (skin, gastrointestinal tract, meninges).

Acute lymphoblastic lukemia (ALL) comprises 80% of the acute lukemias of childhood. The peak incidence is between 3 and 7 years of age. However, ALL is also seen in adults and comprises approximately 20% of adult acute lukemias. Acute myelogenous lukemia (AML; acute nonlymphocytic lukemia [ANLL]) is chiefly an adult disease.
Clinical Findings

A. Symptoms and Signs: Most patients with acute leukemia present with an acute illness and have been ill only for days or weeks. Bleeding (usually due to thrombocytopenia) is usually in the skin and mucosal surfaces, manifested as gingival bleeding, epistaxis, or menorrhagia. Less commonly, widespread severe bleeding is seen.
Most young patients with acute leukemia are treated with the objective of effecting a cure. The first step in treatment is to obtain complete remission.
Acute myelogenous lukemia is treated initially with intensive combination chemotherapy, including daunorubicin and cytarabine. Effective treatment produces aplasia of the bone marrow, which takes 2B3 weeks to recover. During this period, intensive supportive care, including transfusion and antibiotic therapy, is required. Once complete remission has been achieved, several different types of postremission therapy are potentially curative. Options include repeated intensive chemotherapy, high-dose chemoradiotherapy with allogeneic bone marrow transplantation, and high-dose chemotherapy with autologous bone marrow transplantation. Recently, progress has been made in the treatment of acute promyelocytic leukemia (M3). The addition of all-trans retinoic acid to initial chemotherapy has improved the results of both initial treatment and long-term survival.
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia is treated initially with combination chemotherapy, including daunorubicin, vincristine, prednisone, and asparaginase.
Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) a B lymphocyte (rarely T lymphocytes) clonal malignancy. The disease is usually indolent, with slowly progressive accumulation of long-lived small lymphocytes. These cells are immunoincompetent.

Chronic lymphocytic leukemia is manifested clinically by immunosuppression, bone marrow failure, and organ infiltration with lymphocytes. Immunosuppression, bone marrow failure, and infiltration of organs.

Clinical Findings
A. Symptoms and Signs: Chronic lymphocytic leukemia is a disease of the elderly, with 90% of cases occurring after age 50 and a median age at presentation of 65. Many patients will be incidentally discovered to have lymphocytosis.
Most cases of early indolent chronic lymphocytic lukemia require no specific therapy. Indications for treatment include progressive fatigue, troublesome lymphadenopathy, or the development of anemia or thrombocytopenia. These patients have either symptomatic and progressive stage II disease or stage III/IV disease. Initial therapy is with chlorambucil, 0.6B1 mg orally every 3 weeks. Complications such as autoimmune hemolytic anemia or immune thrombocytopenia may be treated with high-dose prednisone but Fludarabine is a new agent which is useful in treating disease refractory to The with aggressive disease may be a candidate for allogeneic bone marrow transplantation

Saturday, February 04, 2006

8086 Microprocessor Emulator

The Microprocessor Emulator With Integrated Assembler. Online Reference, Examples And Tutorials.
Download emulator
request for a free cd
The complete tutorial

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Genomic nanoprocessors

The interface of genomics and electronic engineering research is an exciting new area which promises to yield imaginative approaches to the development of medical devices and diagnostics. DNA molecules have found use as combinatorial computers, proto-transistors and semi-conductors amongst other things. However, the potential for integrating together, on a single semiconductor device, biomolecule-based equivalents of electronics circuit elements is untapped at present.

Future Deliverable
The potential position of leadership which could be created for the UK with respect to exploitation of genomics-based technologies

The core scientific understanding and technology underlying this radical vision are being addressed through the Beacon Project being undertaken by Professor Peter Ghazal and colleagues at the University of Edinburgh. Four leading centres of expertise in biotechnology, electronic engineering, chemistry and physics have been brought together to develop a platform technology in genomic nanoprocessors.

Early Achievement
Scottish Enterprise is funding an industrial PhD studentship to facilitate a collaboration with a Scottish microelectronics company.

Healthcare Deliverables

* a radical new vision of future healthcare, known as ‘bio-intelligent medication’
* nano-scale devices administered in vivo to detect and prevent disease.

The team is investigating technology based upon the idea of using DNA molecules, anchored to a silicon substrate, which switch between two configurations in response to electronic and biochemical signals, in a way that mimics transistor-like behaviour. A key innovative feature of the project will be the integration of these devices within digital circuitry to provide on-chip intelligence (sensing, logic and read/write elements for example) for local data processing.

A core project patent covering fundamental aspects of the work has been submitted and will be published in Spring 2004.

Potential Applications for the hybrid ‘DNA on silicon’ processors

* Medical Devices
* Diagnostics

The long-term vision of the team is to apply this technology to biointelligent medication will ultimately be dependent upon the ability to eliminate the inorganic silicon substrate from the processors to leave devices which are purely bio-organic and can therefore be administered in vivo

The New Ethernet

Over 20 years ago, Intel helped co-develop the technology that changed how
people share information. Today, Ethernet remains the universal technology of
choice in enterprise LANs. With the explosion of Internet Protocol (IP) traffic
and sophisticated applications driving the demand for greater bandwidth inside
and outside the enterprise, Intel is helping the industry take Ethernet to greater
speeds and performance in the LAN, as well as extend Ethernet into new market
segments including wireless, storage and metro area networking.
Advancements in Ethernet technology are at the center of today’s transitions to:
 Gigabit speeds in the enterprise
 Wireless networking
 Networked storage
 Ethernet in the metropolitan area network
This paper provides information on these trends, why they are happening and,
most important, how to benefit from these transitions as the demand for faster
and more efficient network infrastructure increases.
Read full article